Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday 5/30/13

EQ: none

- Ecology Test on 5/31
- Ecology Vocab due 5/31
- Bio Final 6/4
- Bio Current Event ppt due 6/3

Class Recap:
Class started with review of which resources to look over for the Ecology Test tomorrow.

Students started class by taking an Ecological Footprint survey to see how they are impacting their resources.  Students must get a parent signature on their Ecological Footprint Survey.

Students then watched the following video about perennial cicadas.

Students then read an article from the Penn State Extension office about the life cycle of cicadas and wrote down 7 facts about the article. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday 5/29/13

EQ: What will be on the Bio final?

- Ecology Test on 5/31
- Ecology Vocab due 5/31
- Bio Final 6/4
- Bio Current Event ppt due 6/3

Class Recap:
Students finished reading the 3 case studies from Ecology in their groups.  Then we reviewed the guidelines for the presentation and the bio final.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday 5/28/13

EQ: "What affects our ecological footprint?

- Ecology Test this Friday 5/30
- Vocab exercises due 5/30
- Complete end of year survey (google doc shared with you) by Wednesday

Today students read about 3 case studies that affect our ecological footprint.  Students completed a list in their daily science journal of the things that affect our ecological footprint.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday 5/22/13

EQ: "Will humans become overpopulated?"



CLASS RECAP:  Today students started class by presenting their adveritisements they created for the movie Wall-E.  Then students began a discussion on the human population.  Students watched the following clip.  (Skip forward and begin watching at 2:20)

Then students took the remainder of the notes for Population Ecology.

We finished class by watching these three videos that dispel many myths about world overpopulation.