Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday 11/1/12

EQ:"What is the smallest unit of life?"



PUP: Blue cover page to homeostasis unit,  Prokaryote and Eukaryote TEAM activity

CLASS RECAP: Today students started a new unit.  We started our Cell unit.  Students had a chance to make a class folder and to organize the materials from the first two units in their binders.  Students received the cover page for the cell unit.  We discussed what the smallest unit of life was.  We reviewed that in order to be considered living a specimen must meet the seven characteristics of life.  Students read over the vocab and big ideas for the unit.  Then students watched a clip of what the inner cell is speculated to look like.

Then students then learned about the roles and procedures of completing TEAM activities.  Students started their first TEAM activity titled "Prokaryotes and Eukaroyotes"

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