Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday 11/6/12

EQ: "What is the cell theory"  AND  "How do bacteria affect humans?"

VOCAB: microbe, antibiotic

- Vocab words (1-6)
- Read section 7.2 in textbook.  Complete 7.2 homework packet.  DUE THURSDAY

CLASS RECAP: Today students handed in their TEAM Prokaryote and Eukaryote activities to be graded.  Then the classes checked and reviewed their homework.  We learned about the three different types of microscopes (light microscope, transmission electron microscope, and scanning electron microscope).

Then we reviewed the three parts of the cell theory and students wrote them in their daily science journal.

The Cell Theory Trifecta:
     1) All living things are made of cells
     2) Cells are the basic unit of structure and function within living things
     3) All cells are produced from existing cells

Then we had a lesson on Bacteria.  Students learned what a microbe is.  Students watched the following video clip as they learned how antibiotics can help fight off bacteria within our body.

Students learned that:
- bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes
- bacteria can cause diseases like cholera, mono, tuberculosis, and even STD's like syphilis and gonorrhea.
- there are healthy bacteria that help human bodies to function- especially in digestion
- there are bacteria in foods like yogurt, cheese, beer, wine, bread, dairy, and sour kraut.
- bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics

Tomorrow we will learn about the life cycle of bacteria, and why it is important to listen to your doctor and follow the full course of antibiotic treatments.

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