Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday 3/21/13

EQ: How are sex and inheritance related to Genetics?"

VOCAB: allele, trait, genetics, inheritance, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous

- Study and Define Vocab Terms by 3/28
- Vocab exercise due 4/1
- Central Dogma project due 3/28

CLASS RECAP: Today students received back their Final Five assessments from yesterday.  Students then learned about the new vocabulary procedure for the Genetics unit.  Students will now complete the vocabulary worksheet and choose one activity from the vocabulary exercise worksheet to complete.

Students then brainstormed on what they think of when they hear the words Genetics and Heredity.  Students wrote their responses on post-it notes and stuck them to the classroom door.

Students the took notes as they listened to the story of Billy and Sally and how sex and heredity are related to Genetics.

*** There will be an after school Central Dogma project work session today from 3:00-4:00.

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