Thursday, February 14, 2013


Today in class, students watched a NOVA special made in 2001.  The following 8min video was made in 2006 and it provides some new developments in the case of stem cell research.

Please watch the following video clip.  For extra credit on the upcoming Cell Growth and Reproduction Unit quest, respond to the video by posting an answer to the ponderable question below the video.

Ponderable Questions:
1) Please briefly summarize your position on stem cell research and why you feel that way.

2)Did the video above change the opinionyou had after the video you watched in class?  How?

:)  Happy weekend! 


  1. 1. I feel that the use of embryonic stem cells is wrong because even though an embryo is only a few cells, a cell is alive and an embryo is the basis of a human life and should not, under any circumstance, be destroyed. But if the usage of IPS stem cells could be perfected it would be a major science, and medical, breakthrough.
    2. After watching the video in class, I saw all stem cell research as wrong. From watching this video, I see that there is a way to produce stem cells that could potentially heal many diseases, without the use of human embryos. This, I see no problem with.

  2. 1.) My position on stem cell research ha changed. I think the research is a good thing an is very helpful unless you harm other living organisms in the process. Overall, I think stem cell research is good and will be very helpful in the future.

    2.) Yes, my opinion has completely changed from this video. When we watched the first vdieo in class I thought that the research they were doing was a bad thing since they used an embryo. Now, since they are able to use a human skin cell and have it do the same thing without harming anything, I think it is good and better than before.
    -Brynn Snyder, period 9.

  3. After watching the video we watched in class I was unsure of which side I would take on the stem cell issue. It did seem kinda inhumane to destroy what could potentially become a person. But after watching the second video, I agree with the stem cell use and research because if it is possible to make stem cells, without using an embryo, stem cells should be used. I support this because stem cells could cure alot of diseases that many people have today.


Have a question about class or what you missed today... leave a comment for Miss Styer below.