Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday 2/20/13

EQ: Unit EQ:  How does DNA and RNA turn into Proteins in living things?"


- Study and Define Vocab Terms (1)
- Read Section 12.1 and take notes in your daily science journal
- Read the procedure for lab tomorrow & DRESS FOR LAB

Today students started a new unit.  Students picked up the DNA cover page packet and filled in the EQ for the unit.  Students then discussed a ponderable Do First question about the link between the sun and skin cancer.

Students then took a pre-test on DNA and recorded their results in their DNA packets.

Students then participated in a game that involved 100 Fun Facts about DNA.

Students ended class by reading the procedure for the DNA extraction lab they will be working on tomorrow.  Students are to read the lab before they come to class tomorrow. 

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