Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday 2/13/13

EQ: "What is cancer?"

VOCAB: (21)-Cancer (22)-Malignant  (23)-Benign  (24) Metastasis

- Study and Define Vocab Terms (1-24)
- Read section 10.3 and take notes on a separate piece of paper. 
- Cell Growth and Division Unit "Quest" on Tuesday (2/18)

Students handed in their post-lab questions at the beginning of class.

Today students discussed the scientific causes of cancer and how it relates to the cell cycle. 

Students started by modeling the national statistics for cancer using the amount of students in the class.  then students watched the following clip about how cancerous cells divide compared to normal cells. 

Students then went out into the hallway for an activity called "Cross the Line".  Students had to step forward  if the statement she read was True. For example:
- Cancer is the leading cause of death under the age of 80. (True)
- Cancer only occurs in people over the age of 30.(False)
- Cancer only affects you if you are unhealthy (False)
- Cancer is caused by mitosis (True)
- Cancer never affects children (False)
- Cancer is often caused by environmental factors (True)
- Cancer can be caused by genetics (True)
- Cancer can be caused by the sun (True)
- Cancer can be caused by x-rays (True)
- Cancer can be caused by pollution (True)

Then students had an opportunity to answer personal questions (response was optional and voluntary)
- I know or have known someone who was affected by cancer
- I know or have known someone who has fought and survived cancer
- I have known someone who has died from cancer
- I have known someone under the age of 80 who has died from cancer
- I have known someone under the age of 40 who has died from cancer
- I have known someone under the age of 18 who has died from cancer
- Scientists in 2012 know the causes of cancer
- All the research on cancer that needs to be done, has been done.
- I, or someone I know, have raised money for cancer research
- I believe the cure to cancer will come in the next 20 years

After we returned to the room, students were able to reflect and share personal experiences of loved ones they have known that had cancer.

Students then watched the following clip and used the information to define the four vocab words for today.

Students then divided into groups of four, to complete the "Understanding Cancer" activity.

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