Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday 4/1/13

EQ: "How do we determine blood type?"


- Study and Define Vocab Terms
- Read sections 11.3 & 11.4 take notes on the sections (one page for each section)

Today students handed in their Vocab exercises that were due today.

Students received several graded homework and activities that are now in IC.

Students with missing work received a notification that they will have an Incomplete on their report card as this is the last day of the marking period.

Students reviewed the Blood Type worksheet that was homework over the weekend and we answered any questions about blood type.

Students then took a short quiz on blood types.

If time permitted, students were able to get up and look at other Central Dogma projects which had been submitted. 

ALL GRADED/MISSING WORK IS DUE TODAY BY 4PM to ROOM 169.  All missings become incompletes.  All incompletes turn into 35% if they are not submitted.


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