Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday 4/24/13

EQ: "What is the difference between a theory and a law?"


- Read sections 16.1 & 16.2 - Final Five quiz on reading tomorrow.
- Study Island assignment "Biochem, Cells, Cell Processes RETAKE due 4/26
(if you are taking the test for the first time or retaking the test, you will need to go through the "RETAKE" version of this test.

Today students started class by looking at the picture of the hatching ducks.

Then students finished making their dichotomous keys from yesterday.  When groups finished, they exchanged the keys with other groups to check their progression.

Students then participated in a four corners activity that helped differentiate between Law, Theory, Observation, and Inference.  This activity is great for the beginning of the unit of Evolution because we will be discussing several more controversial topics.  Students were reminded what a theory is and how it differs from a Law.  Students were told that they were going to be taught and responsible for knowing "Theory" behind this unit, but never definite laws.  

As always, if you have any questions about this unit, please feel free to come see Miss Styer or email her ( to discuss it personally.   :)

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