Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday 9/11/12

EQ: "How do we design an effective experiment?"

VOCAB: none

 HOMEWORK: none (except to brainstorm for your experiment)

CLASS RECAP: Today students started by reading an article about Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and we talked about what hormones do in your body.  Hormones are small chemical signals that your body is able to send to communicate with cells.  Testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and cortisol are all examples of hormones in our body.  HGH affects the height a person grows during puberty. 

Students were then given a rubric for the experiment that they are designing and presenting to the class.  We went over the requirements for the presentation.

Students then had 20-25min of class time to begin discussing the specifics of their experiment. 

At the end of class students took a Final Five quiz on the Nature of Science. 

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