Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday 9/4/12

Welcome back!
EQ: "What does 'living' mean?"
Vocab: none
Homework: Meet in room 120 tomorrow for CDT testing
Class Recap:  Today students reflected on the question, what does it mean to be alive.  Students watched an exciting video clip (3:40) to introduce the topic. 
Students then received a bin of objects which they had to work with their group to distribute into a category of either LIVING, DEAD, or NONLIVING.  Students placed their objects into a giant Venn Diagram on the floor.  There were debates over which category the objects belonged in.  The debates led to the class distinguishing 7 main criterion for living things... these are known as the 7
 characteristics of life.

1-made of cells
2-able to reproduce
3-uses energy
4-maintains homeostasis
6-responds to stimuli
7-evolves over generations

We created a large Venn Diagram on the floor for LIVING, NON LIVING, and DEAD objects.  Each student had to place their respective object into a part of the diagram and defend their decision to the class.

There were no handouts given out in class, but students recorded reflections and diagrams in their daily science journal. 


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