Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday 9/18/12

EQ: "What are the basic chemical properties that affect living things?"

VOCAB: Biochemistry

HOMEWORK: Complete the "Do you know A-Tom" worksheet.  Pre Test ONLY

CLASS RECAP: *Collaboration Day*.  Today students began a new unit of study in biology called Biochemistry.  Students completed a Do First where they reflected upon two questions:

"What are humans made of?"
"How does the food we eat eventually become a part of us?"

Students discussed what they new about digestion and energy.  We learned that we get chemical energy from the food we eat.  We then discussed what chalkboard chalk is made out of and how small we can break it down before it stops being chalk.  We learned that chalk is simply a molecule called Calcium Carbonate.  Calcium Carbonate is primarily made of two elements- Calcium and Carbon.   Students refreshed themselves with the period table and learned that all living things are primarily composed of 6 elements... "CHNOPS."

C- Carbon

Then I gave students an opportunity to draw what they thought an atom looked like.  These are some of the beautiful creations from their sketching time.

We then learned that all atoms have three components:
protons (positive charge)
neutrons (neutral/no charge)
electrons (negative charge)

Students learned that protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus and that electrons are found whizzing around the outside of the nucleus in things called orbitals (or shells).
Students practiced drawing a Carbon atom in their daily science journal.

Students were assigned to complete a Biochem Pre-Test for homework tonight to be handed in tomorrow.   

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