Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday 1/3/13

EQ: " How do organisms use ATP for energy?"


- Define Vocab Terms (1- 4)
- Read section 8.1 in online text
- Complete section 8.1 in homework packet

 CLASS RECAP:  Today students started the class by learning how to set up the new vocabulary cards.  Then students continued their discussion on autotrophs, heterotrophs and how energy flows through those organisms.

Students then participated in a challenge to stack cups as high as they could.  This was a metaphore for Metabolism.   When we build molecules it requires energy- in the same way that it requires energy for us to build a cup tower.  However, once a molecule is build (similar to a swaying tower of stacked cups) it contains a type of potential energy called chemical energy.  That energy can only be released when we break a bond.  We learned that when you break bonds it it is called Catabolism and when you build bonds, it is called Anabolism.  The summary of all the catabolic and anabolic processes in your boday is called your metabolism.

See pictures below.

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