Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday 1/15/13

EQ: "How do organisms obtain energy to sustain life?"


 - Define Vocab Terms (1-13)
- Read 9.1 tonight and complete the worksheet (read about whales in the beginning of the chapter mystery)
- Bioenergetics Quiz on Thursday
- Biology midterm on Jan 23rd (MC section)  Jan 25th (Short Answer and Essay section)
Today students started off by watching a clip about how sea mammals are able to survive under water for such long periods without breathing.  Students were curious how they are undergoing the same biochemical pathways as we are, yet they are able to sustain such long periods of time with out oxygen.   Check out the link to the video below.

Students then saw what happened when a student breathed into a beaker of BTB (Bromothoyl Blue) indicator solution.  

Students then took a few notes on Cell Respiration as Miss Styer demonstrated what happened to a molecule of glucose during aerobic cell respiration.

Tomorrow students will learn a different pathway of cell respiration that is done anaerobically. 

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