Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday 1/2/13

EQ: "What is energy and how is it transferred in living things?"

VOCAB: (1) chemical energy (2) electromagnetic energy (3) autotrophs (4) heterotrophs

- Define Vocab Terms (1-4)
- Get New Years resolution signed by a parent or gardian
- (Period 2) Finish anticipation guide on page 3 of orange Bioenergetics Unit packet



Students started class today with an opportunity to create new years resolutions for biology class.  Then students jumped right back into the lively learning process in a discussion of energy.  Students started a Do First assignment that forced them to think about different types of energy and how it is able to transfer.  Students listed all the types of energy they could think of and then Miss Styer showed them three examples of how energy can be transferred across a classroom.
   Example 1- Tossing a crumbled piece of paper across a room - chemical energy to kenetic energy
   Example 2- Hair dryer- electric energy to heat and kenetic energy
   Example 3- UV light- electric energy to electromagnetic energy

Students then reviewed the orange Bioenergetics unit packet that contains the unit EQ, big ideas, vocab and study points for this unit. 

After reviewing the packet, students decided on the two main sources of energy used for living things to function- chemical and electromagnetic.  Students learned that the term used for organisms that rely only upon chemical energy for life functions are called heterotrophs.  Organisms that rely only upon electromagnetic energy for life functions are called autotrophs.

Tomorrow students will learn more about how chemical energy is stored in living organisms in the form of ATP.


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